Problem: I’m on a cruise and there aren’t enough power outlets in my cabin stateroom for all my electrical devices – what can I do?

Solution 1: Check under your bed. There is usually a wall-mounted power socket on the right-hand side. You may need an extension lead to make best use of it though.

Solution 2: Always pack a 4-gang power extender and additional travel adaptors. There are usually two or three sockets available on the desk in your cabin stateroom. We recommend the iBlockCube because it can be used in any socket type and includes four handy USB ports for charging phones, watches, tablets, cameras etc. And the retractable pins means that it is small enough to toss in your carry-on bag too. It even comes with a nifty zippered carry case.

iBlock Cube Travel Adaptor

With fittings for all major international power sockets, 4 x USB-A and 1 x USB-C ports, this power adaptor can be used anywhere. And it’s small enough to chuck in your rucksack or handbag (purse).